today our sch celebrate youth day. every1 was allowed to wear ANYting they wan for today! haha. so when i reach sch i find it very weird.vivien said it was like as if every1's going orchard. there was still lessons,and i earned myself 2punishments,cos i dint bring my chinese txtbk and bio(again). i gota copy out 1 chapter for chi and THE SAME LONG CHAPTER FROM BIO TEXTBOOK. AAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmm after sch me vivien reb lene n pearlyn went to pizzahut in causeway. reb took away 1/4 of my pizza T-T. wasnt full at all. after eating we walk around,then saw leonard n guys at 77th street. then the three girls went to chameleon,me n vivien went to buy icecream. we(or rather,i) bought rum n raisin n blueberry sumtin sumtin. walk around for awhile,went to find lene to return her file,then we went seperate ways. at first me n vivien decided to go home,but it was very early,so we went library.

we chill in library for awhile,then vivien borrowed 4 books. went to mac to have fries,then we left for sembawang to get soyabean milk. it was only when we reach sembwang,we realised that 1 of her 4 books was missing. uh oh. she got pissed n angry n ignored me on the way back. so unfair la,it wasnt my fault,she was reading it at mac ma. ok nvm,we went back causeway,LUCKILY we found the book at mac XD. whew,then i sent her home,n saw pearlyn on my way back. i dint get to ask wher shes going,she jus smiled at me n board the 969 bus.


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